Saturday, February 21, 2009

Goliatha enjoying Peruvian charms

(Here is a note from Charisse Phillips in Lima, Peru. Charisse is Goliatha's host in Peru.)

Goliatha went to the beach for a summer day, just like most Limenos do.

Here she is at Bikini Beach in the town of Punta Negra.

These black rocks were formed by volcanic activity are are super sharp, so Goliatha had to be pretty careful.

The Pacific waves are not at all peaceful here - the waves are quite wild and there's a strong undertow. But Goliatha got to see pelicans, sea gulls, cormorants and Peruvian boobies, which dive deep into the sea for fish. Goliatha couldn't believe that there's a great sandy desert right on the edge of the ocean in Peru. There was nothing green growing on the hills along the road to the beach.

She thought it looked like the Sahara.

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